Friday, September 3, 2010

4 months!

Star: Camden
Supporting Actors: Mom, Dad and Nana

Hello Blog World... miss me much? I think I've started each blog by saying "It's been forever since I blogged" haha! Whoops! It must be a reoccuring theme.
Cam has had some huge triumphs these past few weeks. Yesterday was his first time he successfully rolled over without any assistance from mom and dad. I was hollering with excitement and giving him hugs and kisses. He had a smile on his face like "Look at me! I did it!" and it was definitely one of my favorite moments so far with him. However, after about 3 minutes of excitement he just sort of gave me a look like "Um, Mom you're embarrassing me in front of my toys." I'm sure I'll get that look for the next 18 years.
So what's up with Mom these days? I'm so busy. My hair is falling out. I haven't worked out as much as I'd like (walking to class counts right?) and I swear I saw a grey hair. But besides the physical aspects..mentally and emotionally I've never been happier. I definitely miss my pre pregnancy body but Camden is worth the wide hips and stretch marks haha!
I was telling Jeff and my mom the other day that I miss being pregnant.. haha CRAZY I know. They both gave me "Are you serious?" looks. I suppose I have been getting a lot of "looks" lately..having a baby who doesn't talk yet has sure given me the time to enhance my nonverbal communication skills. But, having Camden around makes me want one or two more! Not for a few months.. I mean years though..JUST KIDDING.. trust me. No one needs to get any ideas. However, I still look at him in awe and I am so amazed that just a few months back he was inside of me for 10 months and Jeff and I made him. It's truly a miracle.
Some other new accomplishments are that he no longer needs the car seat in his stroller! He's a BIG boy now ha! He absolutely loves being outside. If I didn't know better I think he would rather have his crib outside than in.
Hopefully, I'll post a new one before 2011. Until then, God Bless and much love!

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