Friday, September 3, 2010

4 months!

Star: Camden
Supporting Actors: Mom, Dad and Nana

Hello Blog World... miss me much? I think I've started each blog by saying "It's been forever since I blogged" haha! Whoops! It must be a reoccuring theme.
Cam has had some huge triumphs these past few weeks. Yesterday was his first time he successfully rolled over without any assistance from mom and dad. I was hollering with excitement and giving him hugs and kisses. He had a smile on his face like "Look at me! I did it!" and it was definitely one of my favorite moments so far with him. However, after about 3 minutes of excitement he just sort of gave me a look like "Um, Mom you're embarrassing me in front of my toys." I'm sure I'll get that look for the next 18 years.
So what's up with Mom these days? I'm so busy. My hair is falling out. I haven't worked out as much as I'd like (walking to class counts right?) and I swear I saw a grey hair. But besides the physical aspects..mentally and emotionally I've never been happier. I definitely miss my pre pregnancy body but Camden is worth the wide hips and stretch marks haha!
I was telling Jeff and my mom the other day that I miss being pregnant.. haha CRAZY I know. They both gave me "Are you serious?" looks. I suppose I have been getting a lot of "looks" lately..having a baby who doesn't talk yet has sure given me the time to enhance my nonverbal communication skills. But, having Camden around makes me want one or two more! Not for a few months.. I mean years though..JUST KIDDING.. trust me. No one needs to get any ideas. However, I still look at him in awe and I am so amazed that just a few months back he was inside of me for 10 months and Jeff and I made him. It's truly a miracle.
Some other new accomplishments are that he no longer needs the car seat in his stroller! He's a BIG boy now ha! He absolutely loves being outside. If I didn't know better I think he would rather have his crib outside than in.
Hopefully, I'll post a new one before 2011. Until then, God Bless and much love!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The First Hospital Visit (Hopefully the last)

Star: Camden
Supporting Actors: Daddy & Mommy

It's been FOREVER since I blogged. I've been busy doing "Mom" things and one of those things included being in the hospital. Sadly, my little baby was admitted at Clarian North this past Sunday. Talk about nerves. Camden has been having such a tough time digesting his food properly. I could go on and on about his symptoms and all the different ways we've been trying to improve these conditions (medications, new formulas, oatmeal, burping after every ounce, etc, etc, etc.) but again we could be here forever! The important thing is that the doctors think he had a protein allergen to his formula thus we changed his one true love (milk) again.

This time he is on the SUPREME, ALPHA, FIRST-CLASS, or what the French would say "SANS PAREIL" of all formulas: Nutramigen. $$$$$$$$$. This formula doesn't joke around, it's expensive and I mean expensive. To top it all off ... Shouldn't expensive things smell great? Not this cream of the crop. It has an awful smell. I'll compare it to water: Normal milk formula: Tap Water/Kroger Brand water. Soy formula: Dasani/Aquafina, Nutramigen: Voss/Perrier/Fiji. Get my drift? When it comes down to it...this stuff better work.

This hospital visit hopefully will help Camden feel better and live a happier life. After I was told to take Camden to the hospital by his pediatrician, I was calm, collect and ready to figure this out. However, once we reached the hospital, the flood gates released. I knew I needed to hold it together for Camden and my sake but it was just so hard having him in a hospital bed (crib). I knew it was for the best though. I knew Camden's life wasn't at risk by all means and I thank God for that. There are so many other babies out there that are suffering from life threatening illnesses that I feel so blessed that Camden's situation was fixable and less severe. With that said, I still think it's the worse feeling in the world having your little baby admitted into the hospital. Hopefully, this was the last time.

On a lighter note and less expensive, Cam Cam is going to get his 3 month pictures taken next weekend.. I know I know.. we'll be two weeks late at that point but things have been chaotic around here. I'll be sure to post the new pics. Until then, God Bless and much love!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If Only

Star: Camden
Supporting Actors: Daddy and Mommy

This past weekend was busy busy! First, this weekend was supposed to be a full of cleaning, organizing and detailing the house. We had about four things that we listed as "to do's" over the weekend and guess how many things got done? One. Our closet is neatly organized and looks amazing! Reason why two through four didn't get complete... Camden. Bless his heart, the poor thing started teething. Now, some of you may think a multitude of things: "WHAT?", "How on Earth?","Really?", "He's too young","No way!"..well, yes way! Camden's showing signs of it: Drooling like a dog, gnawing at his fist and anything he can get his mouth on, cranky, irritable, vomitting, low grade fevers, and cold like symptoms (he sounds congested at times).

What led to our conclusion? Saturday. Around noon he started crying and I mean crying. This wasn't his normal cries that he has had. This was a painful, hurt cry that I've only heard about one time. Sadly, this time occurred when Mommy was cutting his fingernails and the lighting was bad (..or Mommy wasn't careful and pinched the skin around his fingernail). I felt so awful when this happened! Absolutely awful. Thankfully, I didn't get close to cutting his fingernails Saturday but I knew something was up when I heard this cry. First, I thought maybe he was constipated or had a touch of an upset stomache. After about 5 hours of crying and his constant vomitting after every feeding I decided to call the doctor. Once we got the doctor on the phone, Jeff insisted that Camden had signs of teething and of course the doctor had the same reaction that we did; "too young". She ordered us to give Camden Tylenol and Pedialyte if he refused his feedings. Finally at around 7 from exhaustation, Camden fell asleep. I began to research online and sure enough his symptoms all fell under teething. When we felt his gums they were ridged and swollen. Immediately, off to Walmart I went to get Baby Orajel. Needless to say, Jeff and I were exhausted but Sunday was a much better day. We had a happy and pleasant baby thanks to the Orajel!

On a side note, I really wish I could ask Camden what is wrong when he is crying for it seems like no particular reason whatsoever. It would make things so much easier! "If babies could talk!" Additionally, I wish Camden could tell me when he is older why exactly he was crying at each moment. For example, "Camden why were you crying when Mommy was trying to watch Grey's Anatomy? You were quiet, happy and content the whole day until 9 p.m.." I bet his response would be either, "I don't like that McDreamy," or "My feet were cold", or even "Your breath was horrible." If only!

I'm going to leave on this lesson learned. Camden's sleeping. I'm not going to clean a thing. Nap time, here come's Mommy! God Bless and much love.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The First Month

Jeff and I were talking about this blog and he mentioned that Camden was going to be a "star" because of this blog. True. I told Jeff that he was a supporting actor. With that said, at the top of each entry, I'm going to list Camden (the star) and anyone mentioned within the blog (supporting actors). So...
Star: Camden
Supporting Actors: Jeff (father), Nana (my momma), Jason or Papa (my stepdad),Papaw (my dad), Ruth or Mamaw (my stepmom),Ted or Papaw (Jeff's dad), Linda or Mamaw/Nana(Jeff's mom), Amy (Jeff's sister) , Kindra (my cousin) and Aunt Andrea (my aunt).

The first month of Camden's life flew by way too fast. I didn't want Camden to grow up. I was excited, over-drained, sleep deprived, elated, overwhelmed, anxious, happy beyond belief and confused all at once. Needless to say.. I think the correct "categorization" would be emotional. Jeff can attest to this. I read countless articles online about what to expect after pregnancy and seriously nothing prepared me for this emotional rollercoaster. One day I was in awe of my son, I waited 10 long months to see him and he was finally here! The next day I was crying at the songs that played on his bouncy seat. Yes, literally tears and tears were rolling down my face. I was a sob fest. One day, nothing I did could make Camden happy and I wanted to pull my hair out. I rocked him, swaddled him, fed him, made silly faces at him, changed his diaper every 5 minutes, fed him and nothing was making this child happy! I'm sure all first time moms can agree with me, it's a learning experience.

So.. in no particular order's a list of what I learned and how I acquired this useful knowledge.

1. Ask for help. I had this preconceived notion before Camden arrived that I was going to be the "know-it-all" Mommy. Honestly, I knew nothing. Even my diaper changing skills have advanced. First person I asked for help of course was my own mother. (Thanks Mom). Now it took me a few days to figure out that I needed sleep or else I'd lose it. And I figured.. my mom had TWO babies at once I'm sure she can handle one and figure it all out. I was completely right. I woke up the next day refreshed and actually felt like myself and not a walking zombie. Which resulted in my next learned lesson....

2. Patience. And A LOT of it. I'll be completely honest here, I thought I would have tons and tons of patience. But nothing tests your patience more than a crying, unhappy baby! When I was impatient and stressed, the baby felt that. I have learned to take a deep breath and slowly regain my patience and once I did, Camden was at ease and content.

3. Laugh. I remember one night Jeff and I probably had changed Camden 10 times because he kept spitting up all over himself. It got to the point where I just left him naked! Jeff and I just laughed about it, best therapy ever! If he has one of those spit up days, which are frequent, and you see him with only a diaper on, you know what was going on hours before!

4. Appreciate those little moments. I remember one of the first early morning feedings I was dead tired and since I was breastfeeding I was on call to either pump or nurse every feeding. You talk about tiring! I feel guilty saying this but let's face it, I'm honest and open about everything! But, I was dreading the feeding and the only thing I wanted to do was to crawl back in bed. Camden was crying and I went over to pick him up and he immediately calmed down. After his feeding he was still awake, eyes open and alert. He was staring at me and I was staring at him and at that moment I felt so much love not only from my part but I felt his love for me for the first time. Of course I instantly knew he loved me when he was born but that night there was something special about us looking at each other that I won't ever forget. Nothing was better than that moment with my son and he may not remember it later in life but I will always remember.

5. And.. on a lighter but yellow note. Watch out for his pee aim! Now you may be thinking, there's no way a baby can knowingly aim for your face but I promise you my child is that smart! He's peed on me and just about anyone who has changed him while smiling and laughing at the fact. (Side note: His Nana is happy to report that he has yet to pee on her.. ) Additionally, when he's peeing in his diaper he's not all smiles. If you don't believe me that he knows what he's doing, I want you to do this... Next time you find yourself heading to the bathroom take a portable mirror in with you and see if a smile pops up on your face while you pee! If you're the rare breed that smiles during your bathroom visits.. then you live a much happier life than I do!

6. Figure out the cries. Camden has five different cries. There is a hungry cry, tired cry, angry cry, sick/hurt cry and "There's nothing wrong with me" cry. I've mastered getting to know these cries and as much as I'd like to tell you how, I want Jeff to figure them out for himself. Sorry hun, but there's no freepasses here! Jeff's mastered most of them but one! I'll keep that one disclosed! On another hand, my dad or papaw, thinks every cry is a hungry cry. Well use to.. until I told him what was up! Camden weighs 14lbs and 11oz ... I wonder why, PAPAW! Just kidding!

7. "People who say they sleep like a baby probably don't have one."-Leo J. Burke
Now, I have no clue who this Leo guy is but he sure knows what he's talking about. High five to him.
Sleep/nap when baby does. I desperately needed to learn this one! When Camden went to sleep I was busy running around trying to pick up the house. Either I was gathering up his dirty, soaked with spit-up clothes, cleaning the carpet from his spit-ups, washing bottles, folding his clothes, cleaning myself up from his spit-up or taking pictures of his cute little self sleeping. When he woke up I wondered to myself, "Why didn't I take a nap?" WELL DUH. After a month of trying to do it all... I stopped kind of. If I was beat I laid down. I had to, it's key for survival.

8. Be open for suggestions and opinions. I appreciate every piece of advice I have received from my parents (Mom, Dad, Ruth, Jason), Jeff's parents(Ted and Linda), Jeff's sister (Amy), my cousin (Kindra),my aunt (Andrea), ect. ect. Whether or not it worked out for me or Camden, it definitely feels good to know people are trying to help you. IF any of you have any tips for me to make my life as a Mommy easier I will gladly listen and take note. Before I realized this I definitely wanted to learn by trial and error. Which in some cases have to be conducted in such fashion, however, if it's a quick and easy fix, I'm all ears. If you're not open for suggestions then you're learning the hard way and making it more difficult on yourself.

9. You learn as you go. Plain and simple.

10. Jeff and Camden have made me a better person. Maybe not so much on the outside with these dark circles and spit-up infested hair but I never knew my heart would love any two people this much!

Now, I know I've learned a lot more over the past 12 weeks but we could be here for years if I told ya everything! Also, the little guy is about to wake up and we need some Mommy and Camden time. Until next time, God Bless and much love!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The First Step...

Hey everyone! This is my first time EVER blogging so brace yourselves! I have always wanted to start a blog but never knew what to talk about.. well that's all changed now! Thus, the reason for me creating a blog all about my motherhood adventures! I have endless and countless chitter chatter to talk about! Just you wait!

First, for those who don't know me and may come across this blog, my name is Kristin. I'm 23 years old and from Indianapolis, Indiana. I have a wonderful and amazing fiance, Jeff, who has given me the best and most precious gift ever, a little bundle of boy! Camden Jeffrey Leas was born on April 29, 2010 at 6:11 p.m. He was 20.5 inches long and 9lbs 5 oz.. YES folks .. true facts. I often joke that I blame his weight on my last week of pregnancy cravings for oatmeal pies. Which I will say.. I have not picked up a box or two at the store since then! I'm on a strict diet now! My only exceptions are: Coke, Taco Bell, nacho cheese dip, pizza, chocolate croissants, chips, popcorn with lots of butter, waffles with lots of syrup, Chinese food, crab cakes, mayo, sour cream, pizza, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, ranch dressing, cinnamon rolls and chimichangas. So basically...everything that is sadly in my fridge... can you see where this is going?

Well, the point of this blog and my reason for creating it is to tell you all about the moments of motherhood. There's a new story every day. New questions every day. More importantly, more love that grows and grows for my adorable son.

I hope you all enjoy my entries and take this journey with me down Mommy Lane! God bless and much love!